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Environment • Aboriginal • Energy


September 02, 2009

The Green Energy Act Regulations September 2009

Ontario is several steps closer to implementing its Green Energy Act (GEA). On September 24, 2009, the Ministries of the Environment and Natural Resources adopted the streamlined approval and permitting processes necessary to expedite dozens of wind, solar, biomass, biogas and other prescribed renewable energy projects across the province. The province also established a one-stop Ontario Renewable Energy Facilitation Office to get projects off the ground faster, finalized its feed-in tariff program to ensure the long-term financial stability of renewable energy projects, and launched two funding programs for First Nations and Métis communities interested in developing and owning renewable energy facilities. Finally, the province set domestic content requirements to ensure at least 25 per cent of wind project costs and 50 per cent of large solar project costs would benefit Ontario-sourced goods and labour.

For more information, contact:

Juli Abouchar 
T:(416) 862-4836

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