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Environment • Aboriginal • Energy


| Speaking Engagement
April 29, 2015

CANECT 2015 - Water and Wastewater: Regulation and Compliance

Julie Abouchar will be co-chairing Water Day on April 29, 2015, at this year's ever popular CANECT event.

Julie will be presenting on "New Trends and Developments in Water & Wastewater", including key case law highlights from Courtoreille v Canada and the tailings releases at the Bloom Lake and Mount Polley mines. Julie will also discuss municipal councillor's liability under section 19 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, and directors' and officers' environmental liability.

Richard Butler will also be providing practical guidance and case studies at his presentation on "Managing Spills, Leaks and Contingency Plans and Orders".

Click here for more information and to register.

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